Early New England Research hero

Stephen Hopkins Case, Vice Chairman of the NEHGS Board of Trustees, has a life-long interest in family history. Dating back to his childhood, Steve learned about his ancestors through stories and material from his elders. Knowing where they lived, the kind of people they were, and how history affected their lives has always been intriguing to him.
“Understanding them as I do now would never have been possible without the help of the superb staff at NEHGS. For example, I have gotten far enough in my research to have identified all sixteen of my great grandparents. When they were children, the presidents were Madison, Monroe, and John Quincy Adams. I am now working to discover whether any of my ancestors served in the Civil War.”
NEHGS is particularly important to Steve because of its reputation for service to its members, attention to detail, scholarship, education, excellent management, and the collegiality of all the wonderful people who comprise its staff. “No organization is more careful and thorough than NEHGS. The Society is always growing, never relaxing, constantly reaching out to an ever-increasing number of members and friends whose interest and passion for family history has been fueled by NEHGS.”
Steve was first introduced to NEHGS in 2010 by a neighbor and friend in New York, herself an active member. The people from NEHGS whom he met at a luncheon were impressive and aroused Steve’s interest to further his own research and to get actively involved with the Society. “As a former Council member and now a Trustee, I see how special this organization is, how well it is managed, and the benefits it has to offer to over a quarter million members. My philanthropic investment in NEHGS through its planned giving program ensures a strong and bright future for this world-class organization. ”
Steve is a Trustee Emeritus of Columbia University in New York where he received both undergraduate and law degrees, and is Managing Director and General Counsel of Emerald Development Managers, LP. A member of NEHGS since 2007, he serves on the Executive and Development Committees, is a member of the Dr. Henry Bond Heritage Society, the Charles Ewer Society for Lifetime Giving, and the Cornerstone Society. In addition, he is Vice Chairman of the new Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia and author of Treacherous Beauty: Peggy Shippen, The Woman Behind Benedict Arnold’s Plot to Betray America (2012). He is an avid baseball fan and passionate opera lover and can be found frequently in the audience at the Metropolitan Opera.
“Given the explosive growth of interest in family history, the Society’s future has never been brighter. I hope others will join me by investing in the future of NEHGS in their estate plans with a bequest or life income gift.”