...philanthropy that is woven into your long-term financial planning.

What are the legacies of your ancestors?

In part, you are! 

There are many ways to leave a legacy, and for those who value family history, there are creative ways to support the New England Historic Genealogical Society. In fact, legacy giving (or “planned giving”) can benefit NEHGS, you, and your loved ones all at the same time.


Free Will Logo

In gratitude for your partnership, NEHGS is proud to offer you FreeWill – a free, online tool that walks you through the process of writing a legally valid will. It typically takes less than 25 minutes! At the end, you can download and sign your legal will.

Getting Started!


Getting Started

There are many planned gifts that won’t affect your existing financial resources, but will have a significant impact on New England Historic Genealogical Society. Give to the institution you care so much about, while maintaining control and flexibility. 

Gift by Will

A bequest is a gift provision in your will or revocable living trust. All assets, including cash, securities, real estate, and tangible personal property, may be transferred to New England Historic Genealogical Society at the end of your life.

New Tax Law

How will the Tax Reform Act affect you and your charitable giving?

Donor Spotlight

Stephen Hopkins Case, Vice Chairman of the NEHGS Board of Trustees, has a life-long interest in family history.